One year ago, Hurricane Sandy happened

This is the story of how some Albanians of New York and their friends rushed to help those in need

One year ago, Hurricane Sandy lashed over New York and the surrounding areas. Thousands of people were left homeless, without food and clothes. The state of national emergency was declared in both New York and New Jersey, but aid never comes fast enough and in the right amounts to the needy. Fortunately, here it’s when people with great heart, a spirit of initiative and the ability to mobilize resources move in. Among them, some Albanian-Americans were particularly distinguished.

The following article tells the story of Rick Elezi, whose company R.E.M. Residential organized its own operation to help New Yorkers in need. The article was published in Illyria and in The New York Daily News (the supplement on Albania’s 100th anniversary on November 28, 2012).

We thought it would be great to bring it again to our readers online, from around the world, who may have missed last year when our website was under construction.