R.E.M. Residential Holiday Party And Toy Drive

R.E.M. Residential Holiday Party And Toy Drive

In the spirit of R.E.M. Residential’s theme of “Fees That Feed Needs,” they recently undertook a new endeavor in time for the holiday season: a toy drive. This was not just any toy drive, though. All toys collected (and as evidenced from the accompanying photographs, there were plenty!) are to be shipped overseas to Kosovo.

R.E.M. Residential’s Founder and President, Rick Elezi, hails from the region as do a few employees. Being an active member of the Albanian-American community in New York, he was put in touch with an organization, Kosova’s Philanthropists, which recently acquired donated land in Kosovo to build a summer camp for orphans and underprivileged children.

A flyer was designed to accompany their spectacular Annual Holiday Party, encouraging all guests to bring unwrapped toys in lieu of gifts for the hosts. With an impressive turnout of family, industry friends, clients and the like, the charitable effort was a huge success and likely to become a tradition.